What a Levana Gap Year Student Should Expect?

It is likely that things here are going to be different from what you are used to. But we are sure that’s only what you’d expect, coming to Incredible India. Even so Levana Public School is moving towards an education which is freethinking and with a global outlook. And you – the gap students – are a fundamental vector in that project.

A regular school-day?

The day begins at 9:05am with assembly. There are 5 periods of class in the morning, each lasting 40 minutes; and there are two after lunch. Gap students can be expected to take two classes in the morning and one in the afternoon. But don’t let that stop you taking on more!

The detail of these classes is really up to you. They could entail anything from sports to a film club, language-based games, drama or song. Take the initiative; be creative.

The formal day finishes at 2:30pm. At which point, gap students have a long break to relax. Take the chance to hang out with the other gap students and teachers in the staff room.

The boarders are free later in the afternoon at around 3.30pm. This is a great opportunity to interact with them. They love having you around. It’s a much more informal environment. Just relax in their rooms, play board games, chat, get to know them. If you like you can take some kids out to the sports-field, or downstairs, to watch a film.

Gap students are free for the day at 5pm.

This is the basic structure of the school day; but there is flexibility within the system to develop your own ideas. We encourage innovation.

N.B On Sundays or holidays, you may be expected to help promote the school’s brand, along with other resident teachers. This only takes a few hours and involves meeting the public to inform them about our project at Levana Public School. It is fun and a great way to get to know the local community.

Gap Year students (Lucy and Annie) are assembling skateboards
Gap Year students (Lucy and Annie) are assembling skateboards

Accommodation and Living

All food, lodging near the school, local transport, and pocket money will be provided for you. In addition Levana will pay for travel to a certain tourist locations in India during short breaks in the school schedule.


It is most convenient for us if a candidate can commit for at least two months, to ensure they can make a significant impact.

Time slots:

  • 18th June-1st October
  • 07th October – 31st December (N.B Holidays: 1st Oct-07th Oct, 22nd Oct-30th Oct)
  • 06th January-15th May

If you are interested in being a part of this new and exciting project, please contact us at gap@levanapublicschool.com

Short travel video made by our Gap Year students (India – Nepal)